Friday, October 12, 2012

Spicy Stewed Chicken with Potatoes


You know there are certain dishes you cook so that you can just soak your rice with the gravy? Well, this is one of those. If you don't like it spicy, you can skip the dried chili or add more if you like it. This is nicer with chicken drumsticks or thighs because the meat is considered not as 'tough' as breast meat. I like to cook such one pot dish nowadays because time is of the essence when taking care of an active baby, but when I still missed the goodness of simple Chinese dishes.

4-5 drumsticks
Thumbsize ginger, sliced thinly
3-4 potatoes, peeled and quartered
3 dried chilli
1 tablespoon dark soy sauce
2-3 tablespoons oyster sauce

  1. Heat up 2-3 tablespoons of cooking oil and brown the potatoes first, scoop it up and set aside.
  2. Add the ginger slices and stir fry until fragrant. Add the chicken next to brown it and then the dried chilli.

  3. Pour the dark soy sauce over and stir fry it well, then add in the potatoes and oyster sauce and pour enough water to cover the ingredients. Let it come to a boil then turn it down to simmer until the potatoes is tender and chicken is cooked through and falling slightly away from the bones.
  4. Taste to check the seasoning, add some light soy sauce or sugar to taste if you prefer. Serve it with plenty of gravy with rice :)



  1. Hi! This is a slight twist (adding dried chilli) to the normal potato and chicken i normally make :) I'm left with some dried chillies in the freezer and was wondering just the other day what i should do with that so thanks for this recipe, will try it soon! :)

  2. Thanks Chrish! Sometimes I add onions and canned button mushrooms too if I'm a bit greedy. However, there's many things to do with dried chillies, I always have fresh chillies, dried chillies, frozen fresh chilli padis in my kitchen all the time!:)
