Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Johan's chili con carne

We had a party last Friday to celebrate Johan's 30th birthday plus his graduation. We had about 40 guests and there was a lot of food to be prepared. Johan chipped in with his chili con carne which has that spicy kick because of the addition of bird chili. Its easy but great for gatherings but what would be nice to have would be the "Never Burn" Pauli Sauce Pot as you need to cook off the liquid for it to become the thick stew that is the mark of good chili.

Ingredients (this serves at least 10 people or more)
1kg of minced meat (can be beef only or beef and pork)
2 cans of baked beans
2 cans of kidney beans
1 can of corn
3 cans of crushed tomatoes
2 tablespoon of tomato puree
1 tablespoon of cumin powder
3 bird chili, minced
1 large onion, minced
5 cloves of garlic, minced
salt and pepper to taste

  1. Heat up about 3 tablespoon of cooking oil in a large deep pan and sweat the onion and garlic till soften before adding in the minced meat.
  2. Fry the minced meat with the onion and garlic mixture till the meat is slightly brown, then season with salt, pepper and cumin. Mix well.
  3. Add in the beans, crushed tomatoes, tomato puree and bird chili and mix well altogether, turning the heat down to low to let it simmer for about 1.5h to 2 hours or until the sauce has reduced and thickened. During the last half and hour, add in the corn and season accordingly.
  4. Chili should be served hot, with a sliced of bread or over fries or a hot dog or just as it is. For extras, you can freeze them and they heat up well in the microwave too.

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